To mothers…please listen

As you may know by now, I grew up in a broken home where my parents got divorced at 7; growing up, I started showing depressive signs and OCD symptoms, it was a struggle and hard to get out of but made it in the end and turned out stronger than ever.

This post is not for self pity nor to share my journey, but to tell mothers and fathers all around the world to stop judging their kids and teenagers when they show signs of depression or anxiety and to start understanding them better.

The main reason for that is a mother sharing her experience with her 14 year old daughter with me yesterday, telling me about her attitude towards life, her introversion, her depressive mood which was really bothering the mother in a way no daughter would dare share the true feelings she was experiencing.

Dear mamas, I love you and cherish you and respect you, i know what you go through every single minute, however, some may underestimate the importance of listening and understanding; depression has many faces and comes in different forms: some sleep long hours, some suffer from insomnia, some cry all day and night while experiencing intense grief and overwhelming feelings of self hate, others might feel completely numb and indifferent, some might struggle getting out of bed and feel heaviness on their chest when trying to make an effort while others might dance and scream and shout just to let it out. Some like to talk about it and share how they feel, express every feeling, every idea, every thought, while others may withdraw theirselves from social gatherings and prefer hanging out with a book and a cup of tea; some manage to be around their coworkers and fake a smile all day while others might find it hard to get up and take a shower, some express their feelings with chocolate, chips, unhealthy food and overeating while others might lose weight for not being able to eat at all. Some feel everything at the same time, and some might feel things one feeling at a time.

Mama, depression is not just a rebellious attitude, a sad song or a dark room, you cannot just spot it on their faces or in their words or at a grocery store, depression is not always crying and shouting and feeling useless, and most importantly it is not something your kid should be ASHAMED OF, not now, not ever.

If you cannot help your child (which is fine) try leading them to someone who can, a close friend, a teacher, a relative they trust or a therapist; but don’t leave them hanging by a thread, don’t make fun of them and don’t dismiss them or belittle how they feel.

Your child too, shall become a parent and will learn a lot if you teach them well. Please remember, your kid learns by imitation.

Us mothers, we do not always have the answers or the perfect attitude; and that is just okay, because your child does not need “perfect”, they need you to be present, full of love, ears and understanding.

If someone spotted my depression earlier, it would have saved me lots of troubles when I was a teenager.

No regrets…just lessons.

Where have I been

It’s been a while, I know. It struck me when a friend asked me on WhatsApp: “Are you writing anything new?” And I had no answer for them. Besides being a mother and a teacher; writing is all I do.

Haven’t I had new ideas? New things to write about? Anything new at all? Of course I did.

For those of you who don’t know me well, I’m a very private person and an introvert; I’d stay home for days, don’t mind that at all – I live in my own small world (whenever I can or the kids would allow it) and I don’t like being in the spotlight; that’s why when companies or individuals approach me on instagram asking to brand their products, I instantly turn them down.
I don’t like being known but I very much would like my words and writings to be.

So what happened? Well, as you may know already: COVID happened; I mean yes I love sitting on my porch reading a book and sipping my coffee but I’d love to do that on my own terms not when I’m forced to do it. And COVID did just that. It forced us to just stay home; however, this new virus has helped me reflect lots of things in my life such as:

Knowing who truly cares and who doesn’t! In such times you can actually test those around you and see how much they care. Do they ask? Do they check up on you? Do they have a problem with your little bubble? Masks have fallen but at the same time I have witnesssed love in so many people and I am thankful for that.

Plus, and Ive never said that in public but I have light case of OCD (I don’t know if “light” is the right word); and for those of you who are not familiar with that; OCD means Obsessive Compulsive Disorder; in my case it hits hard when am under severe stress and there’s not much I can do about it actually. I count my steps when I’m stressed or cars passing by, etc. I have lived with that for years and been able to manage pretty well.

But hey! Sometimes humanity strikes and there we go again…

I am telling you all this to show you guys that I am here, still here, will stay here and my words will echo, will hit hard and will always be honest, harsh and weird.

Bare with me will you?!

Vegan by principle

Two pigeons were my turning point.

I was with my husband abroad when their company’s driver was giving us a lift to the airport. While opening the car’s trunk to place the luggage; he moves a box aside to get more space for our bags. It was obvious that there was something alive in that box; so I asked and his instant reply was: “oh it’s nothing. This is dinner!”

The voices I heard from that box were torture enough; as if these 2 small pigeons knew that they were going to be slaughtered that night and eaten.

I felt sick and helpless, disgusted, sad and furious…however, I was thankful.

It was that incident, those 5minutes that made me take the decision of going vegan.

Until that day, I never gave a second thought of what’s on my plate. Today, I know that the decision I took is not a fad or based on a 1 minute weakness, it was taken by principle, while I may not be able to save all the animals in the world, I refuse to be the reason why they would suffer for my pleasure. Today, I commit to no-violence, justice for all and an expression of love.

I realized that the steak I cooked; the chicken I barbecued were once a living creature; now everytime I see a meal with meat or similar, I get the same feeling I had when I heard those birds crying for help; I cannot imagine the pain those animals endured.

I stand by my principle, but I don’t make fun of meat eaters or impose my opinion; for I was once one of them and didn’t realize the importance of going vegan.

I feel different, happier, healthier and comfortable in my skin.

This was one of the best choices I have taken.

Cheers …not

How do i escape reality? Why does it insist on being unfair to me?

Books can’t hold my thoughts anymore; i read and keep reading and the more I gather ideas, the more my brain keeps asking for more.

Cheers to authors and writers who know how to keep you busy with one book and one idea for a whole lot while. Cheers to you my friend if you have been surviving reality without trying to escape.

You’re better than me. I hate reality; It sucks! I demand having my dreams back.

i keep gazing at the wall closing my eyes slowly, imagining how life would have turned out to be if I shaped my reality differently; what’s with the sacrifices? What’s with “unconditional love”? They raise us based on platonic ideas and then you grow up and hit a wall (wall of bricks ); you tell yourself: “that’s not what my mama told me would happen! that’s not how she drew people’s reactions to my successes and failures!”

“Where did that world go mama?”

You’d say to yourself: next time i’m gonna strike back with an answer; or with something that would give privilege..There goes next time and there goes your privilege.

Well, apparently my mother lied to me (sorry mom); no one wipes my tears, no one sees how hurt I have become and no one helps me pick up my pieces; see, living in a cemetery is hard mother; it’s hard when you’re alive. You can’t breathe, you can’t see, everyone around you is dead and you keep searching for a way out but seem to run in circles.

No one mentioned how cruel people have become, how selfish they can get and how stupid they can be. Ignorance keeps taking over and it makes me sad mother, you said once that education is key; where the hell is the door?


How? Why?

How do you explain to someone that you’re hurt?

How do you tell them when they don’t care? When they can’t see you or can’t feel an inch of your broken heart?

How can you wave at a blind man and scream at a deaf girl?

Why is it that when we give someone everything we have; they take us for granted and shows you with cold heart how screwed up you are!

“No I don’t care” they said, “No I don’t give a shit” they explained…and here I am writing to you, someone, anyone hoping to be heard, felt, understood…

The world you built, the principles you stood on once, all gone, all destroyed! And for what? To whom? To anyone who, eventually, will not understand a single word your write or a song you sing, and will keep telling you what an idiot you are, what a shallow emotional being you have become!

Forget principles, forget family, forget love, let’s focus on the money! Let’s not take a break, let’s commit slow suicide by burying ourselves for people we think we know.

Oh What an idiot I’ve been! Screwed up my life for everyone and was thrown out in a dirty alley with no life at all! What’s with the world? Why is it drifting? Why is it so cold? I’m freezing to death but death wouldn’t take me. It keeps whispering that I still have little time left! But a little bit of rest is not a bad idea, why is death so selfish?


How I turned from a liar to an honest

It started when I was almost 7.

My parents got divorced (no big deal); but wait, back then; it was a huge deal. Women who got divorced were looked at differently so my grandmother made sure we don’t mention it to friends..

Besides the psychological shock of being abandoned and all the residues you can imagine; a few years forward and here I was; a 15 year old girl who had lots of friends and no truth in her at all. What was I suppose to tell my friends? I don’t know where my dad is? He left us just like that? No! Instead I made a whole different story in my head by imagining a “perfect dad” and bringing him to life through a web of lies.

My father was a doctor working in New York, we visit in the summer and he comes whenever he can (that’s where I got my perfect English from – or not)..of course it didn’t last long before everyone knew I was lying and was stamped with being a “fake” for the rest of high school and you can imagine the rest.

Did it hurt? yes.

Back then, I had no explanation of what I’d done, I lost my friends, my entourage and my good reputation for being real, no one understood why I did what I did; but it was that incident that made me embrace the truth.

I am not defined by my parents like our ancestors taught us; I define myself, it was at that exact moment that i started telling the truth no matter what. I transformed from a person living a complete lie,  an illusion to an honest and direct person who allows herself to dream through books.

Now, 17 years later, I have become sharp, honest, say what I think, don’t compromise when it comes to the truth and give my opinion of anything objectively. Not all people like that side of me but they all respect it.

Don’t I have flaws? Oh so many, but lying isn’t one of them; see, people talk a lot nowadays but they rarely say anything!

What? Mother

He doesn’t look at me like before mother..

He hasn’t noticed my hair or how i try to look pretty for him..

Mother, I’m not even sure if he sees me..

He doesn’t hold my hand

He wouldn’t hug me, not even once mother ..

He passes quietly by our quarrels like a guest when I desperately need him to speak

He sips his coffee, reads his paper and wouldn’t chat with me like before mother..

He treats me like a shadow while I reach for him screaming with unheard voices

He says he still cares but I highly doubt that mother

What have i done? What have i become? Where has he gone mother?

I pray to fall asleep every night but the bed doesn’t feel comfortable like before

The walls silently suffocate me as i stare at the nothingness around me

It’s probably my destiny mother

To learn to just love myself and write to you mother

He slipped away unlike anything you predicted mother

He doesn’t love me anymore and thinks I’m insane mother

He loves me, loves me not, loves me, not..

What have you done mother?



Here is a question: what if when we die; we get to meet God and he asks us one question: “How was heaven?!

So how is “your heaven” so far? Any good?

Can you imagine waiting your whole life to live eternity in a “heaven”, any heaven … and you discover in the end that earth was the paradise we all once dreamt of but we screwed it up?

Let that sync for a moment..

The featured picture is credited to ” Tatiana Plakhova” – Music-Portraits-series

© Sandra Chami Kassis –, 2014 – 2017


بينسوا إنّو أوقات تحت “الماركات” اللّي بيلبسوا، أجساد بلا روح وجماجم بلا دماغ

بينسوا إنّو الخَسّي اللّي بتكبر براسن إذا ما سقيوها علم وثقافة بتعفّن وبتصير للكبّ

بينسوا انّو الدّني بتدور والدّرج اللّي استعملوا ليطلعوا رح يرجع ينزلن

بينسوا يقروا بين السّطور مِكتفيّين بيلّي بشوفوا

بينسوا يفكروا، يحبّوا، يسامحوا

هلّق يمكن بينسوا يتذكروا أو بيتذكروا ينسوا…ما بعرف، بصراحة نسيت

ساندرا الشامي القسّيس

© Sandra Chami Kassis –, 2014 – 2017

Just a statement

Here is a small statement about fashion i shared on my Facebook wall that I would love to hear your opinion about:

© Sandra Chami Kassis –, 2014 – 2017

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